Collins Sarri Statham Investments offers equity trading from the major exchanges around the world.
These solutions can include: investment advice, portfolio analysis, sector diversification, and buy, sell and hold recommendations. The price of investments and their income fluctuates. You should understand that you may get back less than the amount you invested.
Enjoy fast and direct access to our brokers or instant online access if you are using our execution-only service.
Collins Sarri Statham Investments offers equity trading from the major exchanges around the world.
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Invest up to £20,000 tax free in a wide range of stocks and shares
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Fixed income is a type of investing for the investor seeking a regular and reasonably predictable return or periodic income.
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If you want to take control of your own retirement planning with a low cost do-it-yourself option, then a SIPP could be the answer for you.
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CFDs allow investors to speculate on share price movements (up or down), without the need for ownership of the underlying shares.
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